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Welcome to Mount Calvary, Greenville!

All Christian churches are commissioned by Jesus Christ to make disciples – baptizing and teaching. A Christian Church is also defined by the response of its people to the grace (or free gift) we have been given – the gift of forgiveness, and the promised gift of life forever together with God, because of the sacrificial death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Our response at Mt. Calvary seeks to go beyond just words – to experience true JOYJesus, Others, Yourself. You are invited to join us as we POINT the Way together.

Have you claimed your inheritance yet?
God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense

Seeking answers to questions? God questions? Bible questions?
Church teaching questions? Life questions?
We’re available to help you. We also make house calls.

God’s Blessings in Christ our Savior,
From your Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Contact Our Pastor

Mt. Calvary seeks a new Pastor

How will God give us our new Pastor?

Our first call attempts were declined but our heavenly Father has the devine plan. We have been blessed with the service of Pastor Rob Appold who has agreed to be our vacancy pastor during this time of transition. Meanwhile, Mt Calvary Lutheran Church of Greenville is taking nominations from our members for possible inclusion in the next list of candidates from our Michigan District. Pastor Glenn Schaeffer, (Circuit Visitor) continues to guide our call committee through the steps. Members of Mount Calvary ask for your prayers that the Holy Spirit will send to us the one called to serve.

Pastor Profile Summary

This is our congregational call statement: “He will be a leader who can build consensus among the congregation and lead them out into the community to build relationships. Mount Calvary is looking for a pastor who is creative and willing to work in the community. He will be able to reach across all ages to engage them in the life of the church. He will be open and able to do both traditional and contemporary worship. He will be a good teacher. He will also take time to visit the sick and shut-ins. He should be approachable and have a good sense of humor.”

Our Call Committee

The call committee members of Mt Calvary will review candidates and prayerfully deliberate on those He sends. The time frame is also in God’s hands. Please pray for our congregation to growth in faith from this time of transition. Pray for the pastor we are calling and the congregation from where he comes as they enter their time of transition. And as always, pray for opportunities to share the gospel of Christ with all the world!

Mount Calvary Youth

From the 2022 National Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas

MCLC Youth Group Dates Youth Group is Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. This week we will offer in-person AND virtual Youth Group. We will begin in-person at 5:30 for an activity and then tune into the video bible study at 5:45. The link below will invite you to join us online. This week is the first in a 4-part series called “Different.” The series is created by Jonathon Evans, chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys football team. I look forward to seeing everyone either in person or online. Please feel free to share the link and invite anyone you would like. You will need to set up an account with RightNow Media in order to participate with the virtual group.

Youth Group is held every other Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall – unless noted otherwise. We enjoy learning more about God and experiencing His love in our lives.

Updates will be posted in the church bulletin and on Facebook.


On December 22, about 25 youth and their families gathered to go caroling. Some of Mount Calvary’s family have not ventured far from their homes due to the pandemic. The youth decided that a caroling adventure would be a nice opportunity to bring the Mount Calvary Christmas Spirit to them. We visited 13 homes and sang a couple of songs at each. We were blessed to have a couple of students from the Chinese immersion program who sang “We wish you a Merry Christmas” in Chinese as a finale at a few of the homes. Thank you to the Christian Growth committee for providing a treat for each of the students.

Highlight of this Year National Youth Gathering 2019

NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING 2019: We arewell on our way to achieving the goal of attending the National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis of July 10-16, 2019.We have 3 chaperones and 10 youth attending, the cost about $1050 a person. We have been raising money for a couple of years now. The church will contribute towards registration fees and families have made deposits for the trip. Please pray that those of us attending are prepared to learn what God needs us to know and for our health and safety, so the trip is a success. Those attending include: Pastor Jeff and Holly Wilhelm, Chris and Dougie Nanzer, Lukas and Hannah Goodall, Andrew Porter, Evan Diehl,Lily Daenzer, Beth Philley, Joe Miller, Aleshia Chesebro, and Avery Schachtenberger.

Kids Against Hunger 2019

Kids Against Hunger food packaging, equivalent to 16,000 meals. Great turnout of volunteers from Greenville Area congregations, Saturday, Nov. 2!

Packaging these nutritious bags of food for up to two hours (10a-12p) requires 5 tables (10 persons per table) for every 10,000 meals. As in the past, we can package up to 20,000 meals with 10 tables, requiring approximately 100 volunteers. This equates to a cost for food supplies of about $500 per table (2000 meals packaged per table). Donations to our Benevolence Fund are most welcome to help pay for a table of volunteers. We’re thankful to Thrivent Financial for their commitment to this year’s event! Pastor Jeff

Spoke Folk Pictures

Mount Calvary will host a traveling Spoke Folk team of bicycling youth and adults from all over the country who share Christian messages of Good News and encouragement through a program of music, skits and puppetry engaging all ages. Our goal is to also have a bicycle safety fair. Volunteers will work together to welcome and support the Spoke Folk team as they develop relationships and share the Gospel with our congregation and the community.

A “Spoke Folk” Festival will be held at Mount Calvary, Greenville, Monday, July 22, beginning at 4:00 pm.  “SpokeFolk” consists of a team of bicycling high school and college youth and adults from all over the country who share Christian messages of Good News and encouragement through a program of music, drama and puppetry for all ages. The group is stopping overnight at Mount Calvary, Greenville, as part of their 12-day bike tour in West Michigan.  Cameron’s Bicycle Shop will also be there to show off their bicycles and offer bicycle safety checks. Activities begin at 4:00 pm, Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm, the Program begins at 7:00 pm, and an Ice Cream Social will follow.  Everyone is invited to bike or travel over to Mount Calvary, Greenville, meet the team members, participate in some activities, and enjoy some food, fun and friendship. 

POC: Pastor Jeff Wilhelm

Be part of the Action Team as we welcome the Spoke Folk 2019 team cycling to Greenville for an overnight stop, Monday, July 22. Bicycle Safety Fair, Food & Fellowship, Music, Skits, Puppetry & Ice Cream! Thanks in advance for your help!

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