Mount Calvary Youth

MCLC Youth Group Dates Youth Group is Sunday, January 10, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. This week we will offer in-person AND virtual Youth Group. We will begin in-person at 5:30 for an activity and then tune into the video bible study at 5:45. The link below will invite you to join us online. This week is the first in a 4-part series called “Different.” The series is created by Jonathon Evans, chaplain for the Dallas Cowboys football team. I look forward to seeing everyone either in person or online. Please feel free to share the link and invite anyone you would like. You will need to set up an account with RightNow Media in order to participate with the virtual group.
Youth Group is held every other Sunday at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall – unless noted otherwise. We enjoy learning more about God and experiencing His love in our lives.
Updates will be posted in the church bulletin and on Facebook.

On December 22, about 25 youth and their families gathered to go caroling. Some of Mount Calvary’s family have not ventured far from their homes due to the pandemic. The youth decided that a caroling adventure would be a nice opportunity to bring the Mount Calvary Christmas Spirit to them. We visited 13 homes and sang a couple of songs at each. We were blessed to have a couple of students from the Chinese immersion program who sang “We wish you a Merry Christmas” in Chinese as a finale at a few of the homes. Thank you to the Christian Growth committee for providing a treat for each of the students.

Highlight of this Year National Youth Gathering 2019
NATIONAL YOUTH GATHERING 2019: We arewell on our way to achieving the goal of attending the National Youth Gathering in Minneapolis of July 10-16, 2019.We have 3 chaperones and 10 youth attending, the cost about $1050 a person. We have been raising money for a couple of years now. The church will contribute towards registration fees and families have made deposits for the trip. Please pray that those of us attending are prepared to learn what God needs us to know and for our health and safety, so the trip is a success. Those attending include: Pastor Jeff and Holly Wilhelm, Chris and Dougie Nanzer, Lukas and Hannah Goodall, Andrew Porter, Evan Diehl,Lily Daenzer, Beth Philley, Joe Miller, Aleshia Chesebro, and Avery Schachtenberger.