Christian Growth Ministry Team Christmas Giving Tree will be for the students and families at Concordia Seminary, Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Giving Tree will be for Gift Cards that will be given to students at the Seminary’s Christmas Marketplace event that will take place before the students leave on Christmas vacation in early December. On the Giving Tree will be Christmas Trees with an amount of a gift card in amounts of $10.00, $20.00 or $25.00. These gift cards can be from the following stores or restaurants: Meijer, Walmart, Applebee’s, Subway, McDonald’s, Wendy’s or Burger King. Gas cards can be from Meijer, Marathon or Speedway for $25.00. These gifts encourage the students and bring joy to them, making the holidays happy for them in many ways.
Baby Quilts for Seminary Families—Is there is anyone in Mount Calvary that makes baby quilts? The Fort Wayne Seminary welcome quilts to give to students who have babies while at the Seminary or on Vicarage to welcome a new member of the family. Please let the Christian Growth Ministry Team know that you are going to donate a quilt so that it can be delivered to the Food Bank when the gift cards are delivered.
Thank you for considering a gift for Concordia Seminary in Fort Wayne.

CHRISTIAN GROWTH AND OUTREACH MINISTRY TEAM of Mount Calvary Lutheran works to oversee the development of Christian community/fellowship within the membership and community. The mission shall be to continue the growth of Christ by promoting and developing ideas for outreach to the community and to promote fellowship activities and opportunities to revitalize and involve members and non-members.
The Christian Growth Ministry Team has been very busy this past year. The Team Report shows what we have done as Outreach to members of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church and to the Greenville Community. We work with Women’s Ministry of Mount Calvary in projects and activities. Our ministry team sponsors the Sunshine Club (for seniors 50 plus) which meets the fourth Wednesday of each month for a potluck meal and program. The Sunshine Club is host to the Habitat for Humanity volunteers at the monthly potlucks. You do not have to be a senior citizen to attend these potlucks—all are welcome. The projects and activities of the Ministry Team are listed on the report. Trunk and treat is a big outreach to the Greenville Community. This year over 1100 people passed through the fellowship hall on Halloween night. Collection of diapers for Alpha Family Center, eyeglasses for MOST Ministries, Giving Tree, personal care bags for Migrant worker families, welcome packets and name tags for new members, special receptions, Lenten soup suppers, Love Card Ministry, Project Connect are just some of the Ministry Teams projects—the list goes on.
The Ministry Team invites anyone who would like to serve on the Ministry Team or take part in any of our events is welcome to join us on the second/third Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. to plan and carry out the various serve projects the Ministry Team does. We can change our meeting time to accommodate schedules.
The Ministry Team along with Women’s Ministry served funeral luncheons during the year for families and friends of Mount Calvary. We hosted the Rapid Waters Zone LWML Rally in October, were hosts for the Michigan District LWML Women’s Conference in November. Many of our events or activities are funded by a Thrivent Action Team Grant for which we apply for a grant of $250.00 to help with the event or activity. Members of Mount Calvary that are Thrivent members are eligible to apply for two Action Team grants per year. If you are an Associate member of Thrivent you are eligible to apply for one Action Team grant per year.
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. Corinthians 12:4-6