Mt. Calvary has a new Pastor

How will God give us our new Pastor? Wonderfully!

After several call attempts were declined feelings of discouragement and frustration challenged our optimism. Yet our heavenly Father had a better plan all along. Mt Calvary was not going to have a single pastor to meet all our needs. God’s plan was for even more than that!

During our vacancy we have been blessed with the service of Pastor Rob Appold. Pastor Rob’s service has been so appreciated and enlightening and comforting it would be sad to see him go when another pastor finally answered the call. So, God sent Pastor Dan Lepley AND made a way to also have Pastor Rob continue service to Mt Calvary.

Mt Calvary Lutheran Church of Greenville welcomes Pastor Dan Lepley, our new senior pastor and Pastor Rob Appold, our pastor Emeritus. Pastor Dan and Rob are already working together to provide for all our congregation needs each day the Lord has made. We have much in which to be glad. And a huge thanks to all who offered prayers during our transition. May we always trust in the Lord, He will never fail to amaze us with His grace, mercy and love!

Pastor Profile Summary

This is our congregational call statement: “He will be a leader who can build consensus among the congregation and lead them out into the community to build relationships. Mount Calvary is looking for a pastor who is creative and willing to work in the community. He will be able to reach across all ages to engage them in the life of the church. He will be open and able to do both traditional and contemporary worship. He will be a good teacher. He will also take time to visit the sick and shut-ins. He should be approachable and have a good sense of humor.” This has been achieved.

God Sightings – Give us examples of how God works in your life!

My mother and father moved into a retirement community when Dad could no longer provide all the necessary care for Mom’s dementia, diabetes, digestive problems and spinal stenosis that makes her wheel-chair bound. That huge adjustment and expense could be eased if Dad’s long-term care insurance could be approved to pay the in-home care for Mom. On the day the insurance company sent a RN to do the physical check of my mom the nurse found her vitals to be concerning and recommended mom be taken to the hospital ER. An endoscopy and colonoscopy was performed among other tests and found cancer in the right side of Mom’s colon. Prayer requests went out and were answered. Mom’s colon surgery was successful and her related physical therapy has allowed her to walk better than she had in 12 years!
-submitted by Dave Gantz

At the apartments where I work a tenant came to the office very angry about noisy neighbor kids often unsupervised by their parents and how many times he has complained without seeing anything done by the management.  His apartment is next the only playground on the property and kids also live near him.  All I could do is thank him for his information on the noisy neighbors and insure management was investigating.  On my drive home that night I asked God for him to have a peaceful diversion from the problem.  I prayed, Lord give this person some serenity and a break from his frustration; like Your Holy Spirit gives me when I’m walking my dogs in the country.

A few weeks later I saw the guy in the parking lot talking happily to others so I went up and ask how it was going.  He said, “Hey, I had a God-thing happen to me.  I was walking my dog in the park

[a few miles away from our apartments]

when I saw a lady with a dog like mine.  I went up to her and realized it was a friend from High School I hadn’t seen in years.  We had a great conversation . . .”  He went on to say, that only God could have made that chance meeting occur and that they both have the same breed of dogs!

-submitted by Dave Gantz

SCOTUS Decision Finds Constitutional Right to Same Sex Marriage

June 26, 2015

Dear Brothers in the Michigan District,

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its ruling stating the majority opinion on what they believe is the Constitutional definition of marriage. It was determined by a 5 to 4 vote that the Constitution requires that same-sex couples be allowed to marry and that states may no longer reserve the right only for heterosexual couples.

The purpose of this email is to share talking points and media interview tips with you prepared by the LCMS Communications Department. This will assist you in speaking the truth in love should you be contacted by local newspaper or television news station for a response to this ruling.

Later today, Synod will also issue a statement and send church workers a letter from Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison. This letter will contain resources pertaining to a marriage policy for LCMS congregations, a Bible study, and other resources that provide a biblical understanding of God’s gift of marriage between a man and a woman. A great deal of other information will also be provided with pertinent links.

Much of what we are experiencing seems to be the result of the “sexual revolution” of the sixties which has continued on an exponential pace. “Sex” was divorced from marriage, commitment and even psychological connection. We’ve seen the initiation of sexual activity at an earlier and earlier age. Use of pornography – which certainly encourages lust in the mind and heart, which is adultery – is epidemic and leads to further sin. Sex before marriage has led to sex outside marriage, which has led to multiple liaisons, divorce and what’s been called serial polygamy. In a few decades, we’ve gone from “making love” to “having sex.” Yet, interestingly, although this may seem counter-intuitive, more and more “sex” has led to fewer and fewer children.

Not just the ruling today is troubling, but also the undeniable reality that same-sex marriage completely cuts the tie between marriage and children. Some heterosexual couples choose not to have children. Others are unable to have children. With “homosexual marriage,” (and I use the term advisably) we’re applying the label to couples which, by their very nature, are incapable of reproduction – part of God’s original design (Genesis 1:28) – severing the already tenuous connection between marriage and procreation. More importantly, the Bible plainly tells us that this is NOT what God intended … no matter what the President of the United States or the Supreme Court says. Marriage is clearly the union of one man and one woman for life.

As we continue to live and minister in this day and age may we remember that because of God’s great love for us, because of His mercy and grace extended to us in His Word and Sacraments, because of the Holy Spirit’s gift of faith, we are ALL children and servants of the most High God. In eternity we were chosen by Him to live at this particular time for His purposes with the powerful weapons of the Holy Spirit to advance the Kingdom of God. Listen to Paul in the Areopagus in Acts 17:26-28, “From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.'”

We are, by God’s grace, living at the exact time and at the exact place where God wants us to be! We are here as His salt and light to the world (Matthew 5:13-16). Through the Holy Spirit’s encouragement we remember these words of the prophet, Jeremiah: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) and Jesus’ words: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

As we look to our God for His continued protection and guidance, to the Holy Spirit working in the Word and Sacraments, and to our Synod for continued advice as to how we remain the salt of the earth and the light of the world, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25).

God’s peace attend you.


Rev. Dr. David P. E. Maier, President
Michigan District, LCMS

Thank you church family!

We turned around on our way to our vacation at the news of Lori’s mom passing away from complications of dementia. Throughout the grieving we received many thoughtful cards and flowers from our Mt Calvary family. These constant reminders of our Lord’s gracious blessings and hope for eternal peace gave us a view to God’s will for us and the heavenly act of Christian love.

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