Mount Calvary Live

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Welcome to Mount Calvary, Greenville!

All Christian churches are commissioned by Jesus Christ to make disciples – baptizing and teaching. A Christian Church is also defined by the response of its people to the grace (or free gift) we have been given – the gift of forgiveness, and the promised gift of life forever together with God, because of the sacrificial death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Our response at Mt. Calvary seeks to go beyond just words – to experience true JOYJesus, Others, Yourself. You are invited to join us as we POINT the Way together.

Have you claimed your inheritance yet?
God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense

Seeking answers to questions? God questions? Bible questions?
Church teaching questions? Life questions?
We’re available to help you. We also make house calls.

God’s Blessings in Christ our Savior,
From your Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Contact Our Pastor

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